Author name: willie-myette


Should I Force My Kid To Play Piano?

I was recently asked this question by a HomeSchoolPiano parent: “Should I force my child to play the piano?” I figured this would be a good article since this a question that most parents struggle with at some point. Whether it be piano lessons, karate, sports, dance or other activities, our children often force us […]


Amazing Results At the Piano in Only 1 Year

Over a year ago, I hired Kerry to come on board to help students by email and phone. She was quickly promoted to handling many aspects of the website and editing video. After seeing the lessons and helping students for a few weeks, Kerry said that she would like to learn the piano. I recommended that


What Kind Of Equipment Do I Need?

You do not need any special equipment to use HomeSchoolPiano. However, many students want to know what equipment will give them the best results. So let me give you some pointers. Computer or iPad? The lessons are video-based which means you can use your computer, tablet or even your smartphone to view the lessons. A tablet


Already taken piano lessons?

A mom recently asked me: I’m a mom who has had kids who have taken a couple (2-3) years of private lessons already, is Homeschool Piano going to be a benefit to me? What if they’ve had a few (5-6) years of lessons? – Debra The quick answer is YES, HomeSchoolPiano will be of great benefit

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