What Kind Of Equipment Do I Need?

You do not need any special equipment to use HomeSchoolPiano. However, many students want to know what equipment will give them the best results. So let me give you some pointers.

Computer or iPad?

The lessons are video-based which means you can use your computer, tablet or even your smartphone to view the lessons. A tablet (iOS or Android) makes it easy to stream the lessons directly to where your piano or keyboard is located, however a laptop or desktop computer will work fine also. You can even watch the lessons on an Amazon Kindle.

Piano or Keyboard?

You can use either a piano or a keyboard with the lessons. In the lessons I often refer to the “keyboard” which is the general term for the black and white notes of the instrument. This DOES NOT mean that you need to use an electronic keyboard. So, either a piano (upright or grand) or an electronic keyboard is fine. If you use a keyboard, make sure:

  1. It has full-sized keys. Do not use a keyboard that has miniature or “mini” keys
  2. It has a stand and a bench to make playing comfortable
  3. It has at least 49 keys

Does the keyboard connect to the computer?

Nothing connects to the computer. You watch the video on your computer/tablet then play what I teach you in the video on your keyboard. Quizzes along the way help you assess how well you’re progressing with the information.

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